Remodel day 67: Homecoming
I went to southern California with my mom to celebrate my grandma's 86th birthday, leaving Brandon and my dad to work on the house with some help from Joe. I wasn't allowed to see any pictures until I got back.
Before we could even get to the house we checked Craigslist and found leads so we rushed out to look at and purchase appliances! We got beautiful GE appliances that happen to match our dishwasher and microwave. Wrestling with the fridge was scary... The man we bought it from had to take off the front door of his house and we barely fit it through our garage doorway! Thank goodness we hadn't installed that door yet! Huge thanks to my dad, John V, and Brandon for finessing it into the house so well. It is quite big, but totally worth it since its top of the line.
The best surprise was walking into the house and seeing our master bedroom put together. It was so romantic and special. Tonight Brandon and I are spending our first night in our new home. It's a bit like camping since the only running water is in a toilet and a hose and there's still work to be done (in fact, we're waking up at 5am to tile...). But we're home.